Sarah Harris wearing the absolute best basics you could get. An amazing chic shirt by Alex Eagle, Gucci blazer and simple blue denim.
Hi Hammad, thank you but I don’t do sponsored posts.
I love the longer cuffs on the blazer, and usually I dont love when sleeves stick out of the jacket but with the jacket trim in white it really completes the look.
June 21, 2015 Double Check
Francesco Cristiano outside No21 today. It's nice to see Vichy check on a man for a change, and this is a fresh head-to-toe take on it. Posted in Milan, Streetstyle
Hi Hammad, thank you but I don’t do sponsored posts.
I love the longer cuffs on the blazer, and usually I dont love when sleeves stick out of the jacket but with the jacket trim in white it really completes the look.
so beautful hair :*